mapping and understanding context is a undertaking that grows with each new consideration- relationships spill out , merge, influence, rebound form each other- nothing can be seen as 'without reason', and trying to make a presentation which suggests a linear approach is difficult with elements that interrelate and chase each others tails, rather like worms of ouroboros :-)
set up (student project) and alignments (DCA), ethos, collaborators, steering committee, local and international networks of listeners and producers, Totnes, open door, membership, intuitive and responsive, welcoming, THE CUP OF TEA, volunteers : bell hooks, guatarri, joan reattack,
audio as material, culturally defined uses, hard ware, listening environments, car, kitchen, work space, ipod, hills and valleys, history and contemporary issues such as analog into digital - sound quality/possibilities, the radio voice, the listening ear, historic broadcasts and diverse uses,interference :whitehead, Kogawa, Weiss,
commitments to dialogue, ambiguity, exposing new work, arts networks, speciality, away from academia, accessibility, social experimentation,poetic licence Bernstein, Galas, Cixous
British language, institution, rent fund raising ofcom, commercial /Independence, self defining for use in official agreement control and management,political history, homogenization vs radicalism,subjective and objective approaches Batchelard, Guatarri,