Sslloowwssuunnddaayy has been a platform for a amazing selection of work. The artists have all been very patient, and I hope they have had some/as much pleasure as i have had listening (the listening HAS been pleasurable- very-) below is the weekly play, starting sunday september 12th 2010----- an appology to the artists seems fitting- Sorry! this was my inturn duty- to contact artists and to secure work for broadcast- I have done my best, and was fortunate to work with great artists, but being.... a beginner? enthusiastic but essentially lacking experience? I made lots of mistakes! Sorry again! And Thankyou....
Today's piece is a recording of cows with bells, recorded by Cathryn Morgan Richards while in holiday in France this Summer. You can hear more of her work in 'Sonic Window' on Thursdays at 8:30 pm. this work was a field recording of looped over the whole sunday-
19/9/10 Sunday will feature a rolling broadcast of work by Augustine Leudar, Jakoh, and Barry Dillion. Feel free to dip in to listening to:
Amnesia Loops
'Intrusive thoughts'
see, hear, view more at
Jakoh nearly wiped out his laptop rendering one of these peices for us, for which we sulute him
Barry Dillon:
'that which cannot be cured must be indured'
hear more: hhtp://
Barry Dilion hopes 1. you like it and 2. it meets with your requirements (yes, and.....very much yes :-)
Augustine Leudar
'Biomes at Night':
hear more, and tune in to this station on thursday evening 6-8pm to 'Through the Looking Glass' to join Leudar on his adventures with soundart...
Augustine recommends listening to this outside,maybe a back garden or park, with the speakers at a good distance apart and hidden in bushes...
OCTOBER- RECORDING OF 'WASTELAND'- INSTALATION EXHIBITION INTERACTIVE HAPPENING, a real world mataphor for their radio bodies .... work by Uta Baldulf and Christy O'Donnell- listen in, get lost, find yourself.... this sunday 3rd october artists Uta Baldauf and Christy O'Donnell share their work 'Wasteland'.
Wasteland is a radio program the two artists present on Stroud fm, and this recording is from a interactive event held from the SVA shop front Stroud, where they created a installation to explore ideas of location, space, place, the local, the global, and timelessness.
the artists write of their work:
"By lack of structure a situation is created in space, which can liberate us beyond stereotypical expectations of radio and allow free expression of the moment. This philosophy and approach was applied to the wasteland exhibition, in which we created a metaphor installation of the radio show that mixed our own visual praxis with radio activity. One of the concepts which underpins the project is to have a set up that is structured in a way that allows boredom to become the starting point and catalyst for creative expession. The wasteland is a messy chaotic repetitive loud and silent installation, which may present the potential of infinite directions." Uta and Christy
ssllooww ssunnddaayy very special broadcast for World Mental Health day, the Unsane Rhapsody, a 24hr mix generated at workshops led by artist Magda Crace.... a sonic exploration of states of mind.
Slapstick Foreskin: Anything of Everything can be viewed as sensitive, highly elastic nonsense, featuring elements of raw noise, experimental free jazz doodlings, spoken word & a slice of conceptual game show silliness, along with plentiful absurd flights of fancy, and a bi...t of Max Bygraves thrown in for good measure.....NICE!
AKA Oblivian Substanshall, find more here:
artist, cultral instigator, Radia founding member Ricardo Reiss.
We replay 8 works composed for a community audio project for Radio Zero:
"I've done these radio programmes for Radio Zero in 2006. They are like mantle pieces done with my own recordings and others found on the net under a cc or ...public domain license, the analogy with the idea of 'turning the dial' in a forlorn, forgotten sentry post in the desert."
Also, a work called 'You go Where You Should Go', by the same artist, of which he says, "This piece was done for a dance performance by Hajime Fujita, a Japanese contemporary dancer that I meet in Porto, in 2009, during Future Places Festival (although he was using the same space, Maus Hábitos in Porto, he is unrelated to the festival as far has I know). He used it in a performance in the 3rd Encounter of Performative Arts promoted by Contagiarte in 2009. I've used several sound recordings I had done in Trás-os-Montes, Lisbon and Germany
Benjimin Federer.... .Klang : Ziet : Klang
Where sonification usually is employed to make abstract data sets comprehensiblle through audibilty,sound installation Klang: Zeit : Klang is an artistic take on the passing of time.Since our whole life is more or less dictated by the clack-clack-clock- does it have to sound that boring all the time? Would we recognise something familiar in listening deeper down into it? Is there something like a inner soul, something like a life of its own to it? Klang : Ziet : Klang provides the listener with a constantly but slowly changing sound mix, All sounds are generated in real time, with time and date being the only source material. Every little time division has it's own sound, from the hour down to minutes, seconds, milliseconds, and beyond. By combining these sounds to an ever shifting mix, a music of its own arrises. (First presented on radio loRa, Zurich's Nachtschichten as part of reserach programme, NOWII of HGK Zurich,. Klang : Zeit : KLang was on air everynight, and without interuption from January 23rd to Feburary 6th 2006)............................................... for more information visit
Richard Povall: My contribution to ssllooww ssuunnddaayy is a soft-start for our tuningworlds project which will launch for real next summer. Read more at
David Strang- Over the course of 24 hours the live input of sound from around the Soundart studio will slow down as we listen to it.
Slowly, seconds become minutes, minutes become hours, hours become days....
An automated program will control various aspects of the sound and the sound inputs themselves are varied too.
There is one live, ambient mic to capture the surrounding environment and one contact mic on the window of the studio in attempt to turn the studio into a microphone input. There will also be electromagnetic input from a telephone coil pick up resting on the computer doing all the work. Also, attached to the window is a small light sensor that will read the changes in light over 24 hours and control various aspects of the mix of sound/the stretching process.
If you are in the area you can play and become an influence on the work by making noise in the area or by moving in front of the light sensor.
'Arctic Ravens' - Nell Harrison and 'Great Dunes National Park,Fall,2009', Anna Keleher & Claire Long
Nell- ...
Standingin a wood on the outskirts of Yellowknife, the last Canadian city before you reach the North Pole...a really bad mono recording but, doesn't really matter, these birds still sound wonderful.
Claire and Anna -....
edited sounds from our camping trip to GREAT SAND DUNES NATIONAL PARK, Colorado, USA. All sounds collected by Claire Long and Anna Keleher who are M.A Arts adn Ecology Masters graduates from Dartington.
Anna lives in Compton, Southams and Claire in Northern New Mexico. Their interactive sound piece " If you'd like to ... Sand Dunes National Park " by Anna Keleher and Claire Long is currently inhabiting the Visitor Center at Great
Sand Dunes National Park and preserve in Colorado........... read and hear more of Anna's work at
Stephen Cornford presents Two Degrees
Two Degrees a kinetic sound sculpture using two large metal dishes found on the Dartington Estate in 2008. The work consists of a pair of mechanical systems which spin the dishes intermittently, rolling a ball bearing around in each, to produce two elo...ngated, phasing bell tones. The title refers to a single non-perpendicular cut made at two degrees
Composed by Jorg Koppl
with Linda Cleary as speaker and counsellar (beraterin )
and Jenny wellwood as text researcher
It’s some kind of autogenerated sound – text – piece and programmed in Max/MSP intended to create a maximum of variations in meaning and sound by a few elements. At one hand there are about 800 words (with only one syllable), which opens the possbility for more than one billion conceivable 4-word sentences, between abs...olute nonsense, and a suddenly appearing apparent meaning.
At the other hand are at about 80 samples, more or less, played by nine interacting virtual players, what have the tendency to change speed coincidentally or to adapt harmonic relations to the other agents. This principle is cribbed from our voices. These these two tendencies are also obvious when we speak to one another.
The volumes of the agents decrease or increase depending on their agreements with other players, - similarly certain people become very loud, when they are synchronized.
-Jorg Koppl